Relative time

It’s unbelievable it is the end of August already. The exciting month of September with all the birthdays, the half marathon in Budapest, the hiking in Scotland is right around the corner. It’s hard to believe how fast we got here.

Yet parts of the days seem to last forever. Time is relative.

Radiohead – Street Spirit


Flow. Getting better comes with constant focusing, exhaustion and questioning even the basic things you know. Then you get feedback that your efforts make sense. That you are getting better.

Breathe. Focus. Experience. Learn. Tune in the zone.

Imogen Heap – Headlock (High Contrast Remix)

Voice for the voiceless

Zoos, safaris, aquariums. Tigers, dolphins, people. Inhabitants of these facilities are silent victims of human ego. Having bigger cages doesn’t change the fact that those are cages.

Choose Dreamland instead, try to catch them in their natural habitat (as long as they still have a chance to live there), and respect their freedom. Here’s to all the silent prisoners.

Alice Phoebe Lou – The Tiger

Only love

I love living here.
We dropped by the restaurant I usually step by to have my Falafel for survival when I have a lazy evening. The guys working there know me and they always know what I’ll order. They know that I don’t want a plastic bag and which sauce I’d choose. They pay attention.

I usually leave my dog outside and tie him to the bike holder, but today, the boss of the team offered a hand and volunteered to hold Báró’s leash until I get my order.

Waiting for the food, I saw how they sneaked some Döner meat out for Báró to taste while he is waiting, with a smile in their eyes and totally at awe.

These tiny gestures make one feel at home. Ich liebe diese Stadt. ❤

Ben Howard – Only Love


Moving in Berlin is a constant thing. Finding a place to call your own becomes more and more challenging, but it’s not an impossible mission. You just need to stay determined, and after a few months, you’ll feel like you won on the lottery, when you get the call that an apartment is yours. Everyone has at least one friend – but usually more -, who are either moving, about to move, or want to move.

Helping each other out with these things is essential. I am glad I could help a friend move today. Easing stress can be key in such situations. What started as a stressed out evening ended with a nice walk after a successful move.

I am so grateful for my place. Every time I am glad I don’t have to do the whole circus of moving again. It’s good to be home.

Damien Escobar – Fuse

So long

Sometimes you wait for a year to listen to a record together with a friend. Today, I listened to my Cigarettes After Sex album with a friend of mine, who I met in the first week of moving here. I am in Berlin for almost 3 years now, and it’s unbelievable how time flies. She has spent more than a year home in Romania, then moved back, I changed jobs, met new friends and said goodbye to a few temporary ones.

Listening to that album connected the dots. We had a spontaneous good day, just like “back in the days”.

Berlin is changing all the time. But some things remain the same.

DONOTS feat. Frank Turner – So Long