The end is near

The year is almost over and it’s all right.

Today was a life admin day. I managed to clean the whole bedroom, including taking the bed apart, cleaning it and redoing it, washing the clothes, cooking lunch, doing grocery shopping, surprising myself with an old CD Player that hopefully will work well with my system, resting, washing my hair, catching up with my gratitude journal, catching up with a few friends and adoring my dog.

The end of the year is almost here. It’s all right. I’ll summarize and look back tomorrow, only to fix my sight on the future being present going on.

The Traveling Wilburys – End Of The Line

Merry Christmas

It’s been a short and nice Christmas vacation visiting my family. Great news, nice discussions, some family quarrells, playing with my nephews, getting to know friends even better.

It’s been a nice time that ended fast.

We have just arrived back home and I still love to arrive back to Berlin.
The end of the year is really here, only a few days left to refresh that clear slate.

I’ll make the most of them. But first, we rest.

She & Him – The Christmas Song


This time of the year is full of waiting. Waiting for the day to come to travel home. To see the family and to meet the closest friends. To exchange messages with those who matter. To celebrate love and understanding together. To have long discussions with the inner circle, forgetting about time. To daydream about the times when the waiting is over and we’re found.

I’m waiting and enjoying the moments I share.

Henning May – (Waiting For) Lucy

(Not so) Silent Night

We are a small big family. We are young, older, loud and buzzing. We can be a lot. But we are always together for Christmas.

Even if it is not white, we enjoy our time together. Even if only for a little while.

I am proud of my family and how we are.

The Kelly Family – White Christmas

Christmas is all around

Today was the day everyone celebrated someting. Let it be Christmas, Hanukah, or whatever your culture brings.

The lucky ones spent the day with their loved ones – family and friends.

It’s the time for Christmas cookies, insanely delicious dishes on nice plates, decorating Christmas trees, having quarrells, spending time together watching the same old movies, and thinking about those who are no longer around.

I am lucky to have my amazing family. Hardly can wait for all of us to gather around the Christmas tree in the upcoming days.

Boldog karácsonyt! 🌲

The Beach Boys – God Only Knows

Home again

It’s good to be back for a week. Báró is running free in the garden, and I feel as cheerful watching him as this song. 🙂

Eduard Anatolyevich Khil – I Am Glad, Cause I’m Finally Returning Back Home

First Train Home

I’ve got a train to catch in the morning.

Family, noise, kitchen chaos, Christmas tree strategy, sweets and  lots of good food, my Mom’s walnut liquor, sunrises in my childhood room, Báró guarding the garden, playing with my nephews, petting dogs, giving a hug to my Granny, cinnamon scent, music in the living room, falling asleep to Love Actually, eating one more spoon of hummus, talking about raisins and Nutella, friends, toys, games, arguments, more noise, staying up way too late every evening… here we come.

We’re catching the first train home in the morning. I hardly can wait.

Imogen Heap – First Train Home