
I came home from home and for the first time, I am also working from home here. On one hand, it’s odd, on the other it is super comfy.

It’s funny to have two homes. You always miss where you are not a little bit. But you are also happy when you change between the two.

It for sure is great to be home.

Szabó Balázs Bandája – Amiből születtél


We had a beautiful hike from Schlachtensee to Grünewald. We were lucky with the weather, the Sun was shining the whole day. My dog was happily running around, we had a lot of fun with a friend of mine. I was resting, actively.

It was a perfect ending to a dense year.

On a sidenote to today’s music: Hungarian language is simply beautiful ❤

Szabó Balázs Bandája – Lélekkeltető


I was playing with my nephew over Viber today. His birthday is coming soon, and none of us will be there. Yet we all will, virtually.
Technology is a bridge these days to stay in touch.

However, we hardly can wait for the days when we can plan trips again to visit each other.

Szabó Balázs Bandája – Elcsavargott Altató

Mother tongue

Hungarian is beautiful. Today, this song popped up on my playlist. One of my all time favourites. Sometimes I wish all my friends could speak Hungarian.

Or at least those who are important. So that they could understand my thoughts.

Szabó Balázs Bandája – Ami elhasadt