Bang Bang

Today was perfect. I shook off my work-related duties in the morning, we had a day-trip to Schwerin, wandered around in the fog and rain, played games and talked, then ended the day with an amazing concert at Admiralpalast.

I am so lucky.

Asaf Avidan – The Study On Falling


We are living these days in simbiosis with my dog. I am his back legs. He was frustrated and angry first, then realised I was help, and now he is cooperative. It will be a long way for him to fully recover, but we will get there. Together.

Asaf Avidan – The Study Of Falling

Broken glass

I’ve once seen a video of bubbles freezing in the winter and then breaking like glass. It all happened in a few seconds and it was amazingly beautiful.
Sometimes you build a bubble, that leads to nowhere. You know that there’s a chance it would burst or break, but you build that bubble anyway. When you chose the right person as your partner in crime, you’ll build something beautiful. It will then all be worth it.

Chose wisely who you let close enough to break your heart.

I am watching these broken pieces and they are beautiful. We are temporary arrangements. Fragile and beautiful.

Asaf Avidan – Labyrinth Song

Over and over again

I am so lucky.

I have an amazing family, even if far away, an angel-like dog, great friends, a job, a safe home, and a partner in crime who acts as my human shield if need be. I am young, healthy, have access to clean, running water and nurturing food. I have working days and weekends with off times. I am free to do whatever I want, with certain limitations.

Yet I feel trapped since this pandemic started.
Trapped, because the borders are closed. Because travelling is limited. Because nothing we know today would stay like it is for granted tomorrow. Because my fears hold me back from doing simple things like drinking a cup of coffee by the lake. Because I haven’t been home to visit my family this year yet, and I don’t know when I could do that. Because I don’t know how it would be, if finally I could visit them.

I know that after this is over, looking back, it will be a short temporary discomfort, as in the scope of our lives this will be only a short period of sacrifices.
Yet there are days, when I want to stop the World and escape.

Fortunately, I have the support of my family and friends, and a partner in crime, who can make me laugh so hard I forget all my worries.

I just wish this anger would go. The one that keeps showing up and tearing me apart in the inside over and over again.

I try to keep singing like there’s no tomorrow. One step at the time. Sometimes I am stronger, sometimes I let go being strong. Luckily, I have a safety net that I can let myself go with.

Asaf Avidan – Earth Odyssey


Close your eyes and just listen.
Asaf Avidan has a voice capable of telling stories of hundreds of years. Every time I listen to him, he takes me on a journey.
This is what passion sounds like.

Asaf Avidan – Gold Shadow

Inner balance

Finding your ease does not come easy and it’s not a static thing. It passes you by, disappears for a second, then you find your way back to it. In the meanwhile, every connection is a mirror.

I am grateful for the friends I found in this continuous dance.

Asaf Avidan – Gold Shadow

Time to think

As the lyrics for the Baz Luhrmann song goes: “Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don’t.”

However, it is great to find what you are about to do next. It takes self-knowledge and courage.

I believe the main reason why artists are envied is that they get to do what they are passionate about and live it to the fullest. The video below is a great example.

I hope to find the next steps towards my passion.

Asaf Avidan – Bang Bang

Everybody loves the feeling from above

Counting back my last days at work. After the 4th of July, a new life begins, with the weight off my shoulders. Feeling before the right next step, that will take me somewhere better. It’s always exciting to be ahead of changes.

After some huge changes in your life, you realize you can shape your future as you want it. You just need to be brave enough to jump in the unknown.

I am ready for take off.

Asaf Avidan – Got it Right