
Spring is slowly here, and while the day is amazing in sunshine, I feel super exhausted by the evening. Spring’s exhaustion?
For sure, it’s great that tomorrow is already Friday.

Phosphorescent – Down To Go

Smoke signals

Today started as not my day. At one point, I almost managed to pour tomato juice to my coffee when looking for milk… Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

Until then, I try not to get lost in the imaginary stories in my head.

Phoebe Bridgers – Smoke Signals


We’ve been best friends for over 25 years now, and still, it’s the same fun whenever the three of us meet. Even if only virtually nowadays, as we ended up living in 3 different countries. But some things never change. ❤

Destiny’s Child — Bug-A-Boo

Something good

Sometimes all pieces fall into their places and life gets light.

After 2 weeks of no sports at all, I found myself doing 108 Surya Namaskars. It started as a routine 36 series, but it felt so good, soon I found myself in perfect flow and it just felt right.
I ended my meditation after in a puddle of sweat, but it felt amazing.

After these two weeks almost constantly together with my family, I am recharging on taking my own pace and getting my habits back. There’s a lot to arrange, a lot to let settle, and now that the Sun is out, I want to plan and do all the things. I keep reminding myself, I can only take it one step at the time.

My heart is full.
I am lucky.

Dead Sara – Something Good

Warmes Willkommen

My first day back in Berlin was pretty nice. The Sum was out, I got to recharge on vitamin D wearing only a T-shirt, while we were walking with the dogs with friends. Berlin is beautiful this time, especially when the Sun is shining this strong. The cherry trees are in full bloom in our street, it is amazing.

I also got to be girly and try on my bridesmaid’s dress. I can’t wait to wear it in the summer.
We got soaked in the rain on our way home, but that just made it feel even better to be back.

I love coming back to Berlin.
It is home.

The Cowsills – The Rain The Park And Other Things


It’s only been 2 weeks, but it’s been so dense, it feels more. Time flies in good company, and my family is great. It was great to spend some time here and there, to visit everyone and simply enjoy being home. OH, and to eat all the good food! I could simply roll back home to Berlin…
But we will take the train tomorrow.

I’ll soon sleep like a brick in my old bed, for the last time for a while.
But soon, we will see each other again.

I am so lucky.

Keb’ Mo’ – Good To Be (Home Again)


Who knows when and why we meet when we do? As much as you can never know when you would meet someone important for the first time, you can also not know when you would see someone for the last time.

My Granny is 92, and she’s still kicking it.

Today was a lucky seeing each other again.

Donovan – Catch the Wind


These 2 weeks are dense in collecting memories. My daily schedule is long lost, and I’m eating my mother’s food instead, play board games, walk and talk and hike and watch movies with my parents. It’s an amazing good exhausting time.

We’re also making plans for the near future. I look forward to them.

Alexandre Desplat – Obituary