Mood indigo

My best friend got one year wiser today.

Anícc, stay silly! 😉
Thanks for the good music you’ve shown me, the fun times every time we meet, the silly conversations over Viber, the video message and the funny word-jokes. 🙂
I miss you a lot. Brace yourself, for I’ll pull your ears the next time we meet!

HIM-HIM! Boldog szülinapot! ❤

Anouk – Mood Indigo

Nobody’ wife

I have a unique take on marriage and love.
I believe in real connections and the magical moment when you decide that you’d like to live your life with someone else involved in it, for better or for worse. I believe that moment is that really matters. The engagement. The wedding afterwards is more of a formality.

People tend not to really get this.
But today, someone explained their view on marriage, and I think we share a common ground.

This friend of mine has mentioned the importance of the real difference: between zero and one. He compared the importance of getting married to the moment that changes everything: when you kiss someone for the first time. That’s the act that changes everything, that sets the relationship onto a new base.
We also agreed that there are practical benefits as well to do the paperwork. 🙂

I love how different we all are and when we manage to share viewpoints without trying to convince each other. There are endless truths. It all depends on perspectives.

I’m not saying I will be nobody’s wife. But if I will be someone’s wife, that fate will be decided right at the point of engagement. Everything else is just noise.

Anouk – Nobody’s Wife

In the long term

My best friend just got married today.

I still remember how excited she was about her husband for the first time. It was a long, long time ago, and their paths did not cross for a while. Borders, work, languages and a long distance were between them. But they got it on. On the long term.

Anita, Kubu, I am so happy for you two tonight! I hope everything went as you wished, even against all the obstacles. You two have been through so much, and I am so proud of you to finally tie the knot – even though I believe you know, for me, it’s the engagement that’s the big decision. 🙂

I am sending all the good vibes your way, and wish for you two to be happy and in love no matter what the future brings. You can count on me in case you need a partner in crime, someone to hit you with a monkey, if you need a shoulder to cry on, or a crazy friend suggesting all the silly things from outside of the box. 😉
I love you both a lot! Take good care of each other. (…or I’ll kick your ass 😉 )


Anouk – I Just Met a Man