Supermassive black hole

Today’s news for sure is this: the Event Horizon Telescope has managed to capture a picture of a black hole, for the first time in history.

When such things are happening, it puts your life and problems into a whole new perspective. It’s exciting to be alive!

Muse – Supermassive Black Hole

*Photograph: EHT Collaboration

Plug in Baby

We moved to a new office today. Everything’s new, we have no set seating plan in the long run, it is all plug and play.

We tend to want everything like that nowadays.

We want to have fun when we feel like, feel deep when we feel like, switch off if we feel like, have the big shot when we want it. Everything’s temporary. We tend to forget that. Some faster than the others.

On the other hand, it’s convenient to be as flexible as possible. To adjust to the circumstances. Getting used to a nice big space with bright windows isn’t that bad.

As long as the people I like remain close to me, I am open for changes. It is always a challenge, it is exhausting, sometimes it’s a struggle. But it is all fine in the end. Change is good.

Muse – Plug In Baby


New dawn

Today is again the end of a period and the beginning of something new.

Also, some friends are here, so I get to enjoy the tourist mood for a few days.

I’m feeling good. Einfach.

Muse – Feeling Good