Me time

I was listening to this record today, while laying down on top of my Shakti mat and just closing my eyes.
I love when I have time for relaxation. I shall arrange my long vacation for the year. It is time.

Esti Kornél feat. iamyank – Dalok az éjszakából


Words chosen wisely can hold and create heavy depths. Here’s an example on my mother tongue.

“Csak az idő sepregethet a múltban.” – this line really hit me today.

Esti Kornél – Leszek a vége

Rainy (every)day

The rain has been falling the whole day and we were stuck at home at my sister’s. It was a perfect everyday day.

I wish I could teleport my family to Berlin sometimes, just to enjoy such a random average day.

I love to be home. In the meanwhile, my life at home also continues with tiny steps. We will see what the future brings, but for now, I am up for even rainy normal days.

Esti Kornél – Rohadt eső

Rainy Blue Moon

I’m not the one to hate rain in general. Summer rain, or the refreshing ones in Spring, even the oddly cold ones in the Autumn, I am fine with them.

Having a rainy day when you planned to watch the Full Blue Moon in the evening is a whole different story, though.
Look up at the Moon, in case you live somewhere that’s not rainy tonight. Last chance to catch a Full Blue Moon until 2037.

Esti Kornél – Rohadt Eső