Me, myself and I

Every now and then, we re-invent ourselves. When at crossroads, it feels daunting.
I am learning to feel comfortable while feeling daunted. Comfort Zones are tricky ones. You need to leave them to develop, but you also really appreciate how comfy they can be.

Lázár Tesók – Csak mi


Words chosen wisely can hold and create heavy depths. Here’s an example on my mother tongue.

“Csak az idő sepregethet a múltban.” – this line really hit me today.

Esti Kornél – Leszek a vége

Take a walk

I love this city in the summer. The setting Sun and the light painting the trees red, the river bank, walking in parks with friends and grabbing a beer after dark, without needing to wear a jacket.

Berlin, du bist so wunderbar.

AnnenMayKantereit & Natalie (Findlay) – Valerie


I remember listening to this song over and over again from a cassette I got from my secondary school crush and kept for the summer. I was laying on the floor, in the middle of my room and had my dreams about the future.

I still love this song. And I still have my visions. Let’s see if reverse-engineering works.

The Cranberries – Dreaming My Dreams

Only uphill

Today started with yesterday’s rain. Then I woke up and had no coffee for my morning cup of coffee. So I ordered groceries, but not everything was in the bag. Then there were some challenges at work, and then instead of doing yoga, I was watching Netflix and chilled the rest of the day.

But I’ll be kind to myself. A lazy careless day is OK, every now and then. It can only go uphill from here.

Lyle Workman – Long Love