Pancake time

Today marks one of my biggest vegan fails so far… I had the most failed attempt using VEggs – a vegan egg replacement product. It might be good for some things – my pancake cake was just not one of those things…. After a desperate run to the corner store at 11 pm, I now (at 12:46 am) have an amazing, non-vegan pancake cake in my fridge.

Tomorrow is the end of an era.

I can’t wait to fall into my old bed in 2 days from now.

One day to go.

Emancipator – Pancakes (Original Mix)

3 to go

I am counting back the days from our journey home. 3 days left to go and a lot of things to be arranged before we leave. It’s exhausting and exciting.


Emancipator – Labyrinth (CloZee Remix)

Time and Space

“‘Baralku’ is a mythological spirit island in the Milky Way upon which departed souls build fires to let their loved ones know they arrived safely in the afterlife. I was moved by the imagery of this concept as it relates to my life and the creative process. Music takes me to places, and each song is a spirit island on which its soul lives infinitely. To release a song is both a death and a birth at the same time. The sounds contained in each song have reached the end of their life process. The once shapeshifting collage of expression has been crystallized into a final form, no longer kinetic. Yet it exists in a state of permanent potential energy, waiting to be accessed in the form of music, just as the memory of a departed soul will always have the power to move us.” – Doug Appling (Emancipator)

I am visiting Hungary tomorrow to celebrate my nephew’s birthday. Today, I was thinking about how different it all would be, if my Granny could be with us for that. But she will be – we’ll bring her with us in our hearts.

Emancipator – Time For Space

Locked out

I accidentally got locked out of my own apartment yesterday. It was an unfortunate accident – with a friend sleeping inside, I just couldn’t get in.

After some hesitation, I asked for help by a good friend of mine, who as a saviour was taking us in for the night. On my way to her place, I couldn’t think about anything else than how grateful I am for having friends like her.

I am safe here. I am home.

Emancipator – The Key


Winter is coming

It is cold outside. The other night, there was this cold fog all around during our late night walk. I hope we would have snow this year. It would be a blanket creating a peaceful bulb. On the surface, everyone would complain because of the cold. But it would be beautiful.

Emancipator – First Snow