Abstand wahren, auf Hygiene achten und – da wo es eng wird – eine Alltagsmaske tragen. – the refrain of our times.

So far, we have been lucky with the pandemic. We got more or less used to keep distance, wash our hands all the time and to wear our masks. Many work from home, many do part time. Many stay at home.
Life has become somewhat normal again, with the end of Summer.

Now that the weather turns colder, everything starts over again. The virus hits closer and closer to you, but just rarely enough to make you forget about it for a few seconds.

We should not worry. This is something we are learning to live together with. We just have to do our best.

We are temporary arrangements. Times will be not like this.

Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris – Why Worry

This is us

A whole family get-together at home. Something we all were looking for since around March. Old stories, amazing cookies, BBQ, and the chatter and noise of the youngest ones.

Loud, busy, exhausting. But great.
I love my family. ❤

We’ve changed so much.

Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris – This Is Us